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Lawsuit | Starbucks fined by think tank over diversity push in the US to its bosses


Lawsuit  |  Starbucks fined by think tank over diversity push in the US to its bosses

Image by Victor Ko from Pixabay 

Brief History Of Starbucks

Starbucks was established by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker, and Zev Siegl, opening its most memorable store in 1971 close to the noteworthy Pike Place Market in Seattle. The three Starbucks organizers shared two things practically speaking: they were all approaching from the scholarly world, and they generally adored espresso and tea. They put away and acquired a cash to open the main store in Seattle and named it "Starbucks" after the principal mate, Starbuck, in Herman Melville's exemplary novel Moby Dick.

Alfred Peet, an espresso simmering business visionary, was a significant motivation to the pioneers behind Starbucks. Peet was a Dutch migrant who had started bringing fine arabica espressos the United States during the 1950s. Peet's prosperity urged the Starbucks originators to put together their plan of action with respect to selling excellent espresso beans and hardware, and Peet's turned into the underlying provider of green espresso beans to Starbucks. The accomplices then bought a pre-owned roaster from Holland, and Baldwin and Bowker explored different avenues regarding Alfred Peet's broiling strategies to make their own mixes and flavors.

By the mid-1980s Starbucks had opened four stores in Seattle that stood apart from the contenders with their top-quality new simmered espressos. In 1980 Siegl chose to seek after different interests and left the two excess accomplices, with Baldwin accepting the job of organization president.

 Matter is

A group of former Starbucks executives are being sued by a think tank over the coffee chain's recent push to improve racial diversity in the US. The lawsuit, filed by the conservative American Freedom Law Center, claims that Starbucks' new initiatives are "discriminatory" and " anti-white".

The lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed by the conservative think tank American Principles Project (APP), claims that Starbucks is violating federal anti-discrimination law by pushing a "diversity and inclusion" agenda.

The suit specifically takes issue with a 2016 memo from Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, in which he outlined the company's commitment to "hiring and promoting more people of color." The memo also asked managers to "become more diverse and inclusive," and to create an environment where all employees feel "welcome, respected and engaged."

APP argues that these policies are illegal because they discriminate against white employees. The group is seeking an injunction to stop Starbucks from implementing them.

There is no reply by Starbucks yet.

Starbucks' diversity push

Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay 

A think tank has sued Starbucks, claiming that the coffee chain's recent push to increase diversity among its U.S. workforce is discriminatory.

The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), alleges that Starbucks' decision to focus on hiring minorities and women violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

"Starbucks' new policy puts white men at a severe disadvantage in the job market," said ACRU President Larry Elder. 

Starbucks has not commented on the lawsuit. However, the company has said that its goal is to have a workforce that "reflects the diversity of our customers and communities."

The reaction to Starbucks' diversity push

When Starbucks announced its new diversity push, many people were pleased. The coffee giant has been working to improve its diversity and inclusion policies for years, and this latest move is seen as a step in the right direction.

However, not everyone is happy with Starbucks' latest efforts. A think tank has filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging that its diversity push is actually discriminatory. The lawsuit claims that Starbucks is making it harder for white people to get jobs at the company, and that the company's Diversity and Inclusion Council is biased against white people.

Starbucks has not yet commented on the lawsuit, but it seems clear that the company's efforts to improve diversity are controversial. Some people believe that Starbucks is making positive changes that will help create a more inclusive workplace, while others believe that the company's policies are discriminatory. Only time will tell how this legal case turns out, but it's clear that Starbucks' diversity push has sparked a heated debate.

The impact of the lawsuit

The lawsuit filed against Starbucks by the conservative think tank, The American Family Association, has generated a lot of discussion about the company's diversity efforts. Some people feel that the lawsuit is an attack on diversity, while others believe that it is a legitimate criticism of the company's policies.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

What do you think? Do you feel that Starbucks is doing enough to promote diversity in its workforce? Or do you think that the company could do more? Comment in section box !!


This article discusses a lawsuit that has been filed against Starbucks by a think tank in the US. The lawsuit is over the coffee chain's push for diversity in its stores. While the think tank claims that this push is discriminatory, Starbucks says that it is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all of its customers and employees.

One thing is clear: Starbucks is serious about increasing diversity in its stores and wants to create an environment where everyone feels welcome.

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